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XXXI International Conference, July 1–2, 2021 

Security of the future – the future of security.  Multidimensional perspectives of challenges for dispositional groups. More information HERE.

Conflict Delegation and Proxy Wars in International Security

The Military Academy at ETH Zurich, in cooperation with the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Reading, and the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, invites papers/proposals for a virtual conference on Conflict Delegation and Proxy Wars in International Security. This event will be held online on September 23, 2021. Additional information HERE. The deadline for proposal submission: June 18, 2021; notification of acceptance: July 2, 2021. This event is jointly organized by Michel Wyss (Military Academy at ETH Zurich), Vladimir Rauta (University of Reading), and Assaf Moghadam (IDC Herzliya). Please send proposals (as well as other inquiries) to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Call for papers: Estonian Academy of Security Sciences (EASS)

Announces an open call for high-quality original articles to be published in 2021 in the academic journal Proceedings. The 20th issue of the Proceedings is focusing on the impact of COVID-19 on internal security. The subtitle of the next number is Security challenges during COVID-19: lessons learned and perspectives. For more information click HERE.

Webinar: Warrior Care in the 21st Century

June 3, 2021 from 13.45 – 17.00 Central European Time (CET)
This webinar focuses on evolving care for wounded warriors, with presentations on global developments in a range of domains from COVID and resilience, rehabilitation and reintegration, and updates on management of visible and invisible wounds. The webinar is carried out by The Netherlands Veterans Institute. For more information click HERE.


Call for papers: The Contemporary Military Challenges 

THE FUTURE OF THE EU’S COMMON SECURITY AND DEFENCE POLICY. Article submission deadline: 24 May 2021. Expected outcome September 202130 YEARS OF SLOVENIA’S INDEPENDENCE AND ITS SECURITY PERSPECTIVE. Article submission deadline: 8 February 2021. Expected outcome May 2021  

EU AND NATO: SECURITY RELATIONS. Article submission deadline: 8 February 2021. Expected outcome

THE ROLE OF THE ARMED FORCES IN INTERNATIONAL POLITICS. Article submission deadline: 16 August 2021. Expected outcome November 2021
For more information (in English) please visit https://dk.mors.si/info/index.php/sl/periodicno-gradivo/283-sodobni-vojaski-izzivi or contact the executive editor Liliana Brozic at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

June 2021Call for Proposals

Association Française de Sociologie
Congrès Lille
6-9 juillet 2021

Call for Papers for the Réseau thématique 8 "Sociologie du militaire : sécurité, armées et société as part of the l'Association Française de Sociologie that will be held at l'Université de Lille 6-9 July 2021. The deadline for submission of proposals is 31 January 2020 and must be submitted directly to the website of the Association Française de Sociologie: https://afs-socio.fr/


Call for papers: Panel “Warrior conceptions in the military”

We invite abstracts of a maximum of 200 words on the theme of warrior conceptions in the military. Please also include a 50-300 word bio and your contact details. Send abstracts to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 15 January 2021 with “Submission” in the subject line. Preliminary chapters of 5,000-8,000 words will be due 1 July 2021. More information HERE.

Call for papers: ERGOMAS Total Defence Workforce

On behalf of the ERGOMAS Total Defence WG (https://ergomas.ch/index.php/working-groups/1-morale-cohesion-and-leadership-2 ), in collaboration with the Canadian Defence and Security Network (CDSN; https://www.cdsn-rcds.com/ ), and the Swedish Centre for Studies of Armed Forces and Society (CSMS; https://www.csms.se/), please find a Call for Proposals for a Workshop on Total Defence Workforces, 6-7 May 2021 (to be held at the Swedish Centre for Studies of the Armed Forces and Society in Stockholm, Sweden or partially or entirely online depending on circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic).


Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30 Nov 2020. Interested participants should submit abstracts (300 words maximum) detailing their proposed paper to Irina Goldenberg at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , no later than 30 Nov 2020. Letters of acceptance will be sent out 14 December 2020.

Call for Papers: Zagreb Security Forum 2021

Please find attached the Call for Papers for the 6th Zagreb Security Forum 2021, titled Grand Strategy, Foresight and Hybrid Threats in 21st Century: Strengthening Democracy, Protecting Freedom and Society organized by the Hybrid Warfare Research Institute. The forum will take place 3-5 September 2021 in Zagreb, Croatia.

Please submit your paper proposal abstract of 250-300 words and your detailed CV in English by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The deadline for proposal submissions is December 15, 2020.

Conference presenters are invited to submit their revised paper after the Forum in form of an article to the National Security and The Future and Strategos journals.

Further information is available at www.zagrebsecurityforum.com

BOOK LAUNCH: Breaking the Binaries in Security Studies 

HERE is the link for registration for the book launch to take place at UC Berkley on the 23 Nov 2020 at 12:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada).WEBINAR: New Challenges in Civil-Miliary Relations

HERE is the link to a webinar titled New Challenges in Civil-Military Relations hosted by the Portuguese National Defense Institute on 18 Nov 2020.

Two-year postdoctoral oportunity in National Defense and Data Analytics

The University of Calgary in Canada announces a two-year postdoctoral opportunity, please find more information HERE. The postdoc is seeking a scholar to work in the area of National Defense and Data Analytics, International Policy and Trade, in the school of School of Public Policy. Of note, the opportunity is open to non-Canadians.


New Co-leaders appointed for the Public Opinion. Mass Mass Media and the Military Working Group

It is our pleasure to introduce the new co-leaders of the Public Opinion, Mass Media, and the Military WG: Markus Steinbrecher (from the Bundeswehr Center for Military History & Social Sciences) & Thomas Ferst (from the Sociology Department of the Military Academy ETH Zürich). Please follow the links to their professional websites.

European Security Force Assistance and the Rise of Great Power Competition: Research and Policy Roundtable

Please find attached an announcement for a Research and Policy Roundtable event entitled European Security Force Assistance and the Rise of Great Power Competition jointly organized by Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations, Peace Research Institute (PRIO), and the Netherlands Defense Academy (NLDA). The event takes place in Brussels on 28 November 2019. Additional details can be found on this website.

New Episode of the Canadian Defence And Security Podcast (CDSN)

Please find the latest episode of the Canadian Defence & Security Network's (CDSN) podcast: Episode 10: Security Transformations for Africans, by Africans!

This podcast features an interview Lindy Heinecken, President of the International Sociological Association Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution Research Committee. The interview was conducted by CDSN Director Stephen Saideman at the ERGOMAS conference in Lisbon.  The podcast can be heard here.

The 15th Biennial ERGOMAS Conference

The 15th biennial ERGOMAS conference took place in Lisbon, Portugal, 17-21 June 2019, at ISCTE--‐University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE--‐IUL). The theme for this conference will be Military Studies in a Post-Truth Society: Challenges and Perspectives.  For additional information please see our conference page.

ISA Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution Conference

Please find enclosed the announcement for the Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution Research Committee of the International Sociological Association (RC01) interim conference, 5-9 July 2020 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. The abstract submission is now open.

Nato Symposium on Evidence-Based Leader Interventions for Health and Wellbeing

The NATO HFM symposium entitled Evidence-Based Leader Interventions for Health and Wellness (NATO HFM-302 Symposium) is now accepting applications for papers. The symposium will take place 8-10 April 2019 in Berlin.

Job openings at the Swedish Defence University

Försvarshögskolan,The Swedish Defence University, is seeking to appoint several new professors. Please follow the links for more information on these positions:
Professor of War Studies specialising in ground operations and tactics
Professor in Leadership under Stressful Conditions, located in Stockholm
Professor in Leadership under Stressful Conditions, located in Karlstad

Segal Military Sociology Consortium Established at West Point

The United States Military Academy, West Point, has established the David  and Mady Segal Military Sociology Consortium, to serve as a forum for teaching and research collaboration among sociology faculty members at West Point, the Naval Academy, the Air Force Academy, and other institutions


ERGOMAS Spring 2018 Newsletter

We're pleased to share with you our latest newsletter with information on recent ERGOMAS news and developments, and particularly more information about the biennial ERGOMAS conference.

Modern Military Professionalism Conference, 12-13 June 2018

The Swedish Centre for Studies of Armed Forces and Society invites you to the conference on Modern Military Professionalism in Stockholm 12–13th of June 2018 at the Royal Institute of Technology. Go to the webpage www.csms.se for the full conference program. The conference is conducted in Swedish and English.


Veterans and Families Research Hub

 The Veterans and Families Research Hub is a newly launched website designed to capture the research that exists around the topics of Military Veterans and their Families. The aim of the hub is to “Provide an accessible, contemporary and authoritative repository of UK and international research-related resources and literature on military veterans and their families, including transitions to civilian lives, that informs and stimulates research, policy development, improved service delivery and journalistic enquiry.”

Please see the Veterans and Families Research Hub website. There is also a short YouTube video with more information.



Greetings from the new President: Prof. Helena Carreiras

Dear ERGOMAS members and friends,

at the 14th Biennial ERGOMAS Conference in Athens, Greece, Prof. Helena Carreiras, of the ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal was elected as the new President of ERGOMAS. Below, please find her welcome letter:

Helena Carreiras Welcome Letter, July 2017

Call for Papers: Military, Security, and Borders – Insights from the Israeli Case

Please note the Call for Papers for an upcoming ERGOMAS Special Issue of Res Militaris entitled "Military, Security, and Borders – Insights from the Israeli Case." Submissions of original articles of 7500 words – quantitative or qualitative – are invited and will be peer reviewed. Complete drafts are requested by 30 October 2017. For additional information or to submit your article please contact Uzi Ben-Shalom (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Nir Gazit (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) of the Israeli Sociological Society.

Please download the complete Call for Papers here.


Program of the 14th ERGOMAS Biennial Conference in Athens, Greece – June 26-30 2017
The 14th ERGOMAS Biennial Conference took place in Athens, Greece on June 26-30. The Theme of the conference was "Military and Society: New Models for New Challenges". Program of the 14 ERGOMAS Biennieal Conference
ERGOMAS Newsletter: July 2017
Our July 2017 Newsletter includes a letter from the Past President, George Kaffes, a Letter from the New President, Helena Carreiras, and the Giuseppe Caforio Best Book Award comittee report. It also has updates on publication partnerships with Res Militaris and Springer, as well as pictures from the June conference at the Hellenic Military Academy in Greece: ERGOMAS Newsletter 2017
Call for Papers: ISA RC01 Conference - Panel on Military-Civilian Personnel Collaboration in Defence Organizations
Irina Goldenberg from the Department of National Defence in Canada is organizing a panel on "Military and Civilian Personnel Integration and Collaboration in Defence Organizations" at the XIX World Congress of the International Sociological Association (Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution Committee). A publication initiative in the form of a book or special issue will be pursued. If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit an abstract on-line before September 30, 2017 24:00 GMT at the following address: https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/wc2018/webprogrampreliminary/Session8891.html
Additional information may be found in the call for papers


Call for Papers: Future of Armed Forces 2040 Conference

The  international conference titled "Future of Armed Forces 2040". The conference will take place 26-27 September in Sofia Bulgaria.  The conference organizer is Defence Advanced Research Institute of G.S. Rakovski National Defence College (RNDC) with partnership of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) International, South east European Region. Deadline for registration: 15 July 2017. For further information, please contact Lt Col Plamen Petkov (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Lt Col Petko Dimov (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Please download the call for papers here.


Call for Papers: 59th International Military Testing Association (IMTA) Conference

The 59th International Military Testing Association (IMTA) Conference will take place in Bern, Switzerland 9-13 October, 2017. The conference is organized by the Military Academy in cooperation with the Armed Forces College of the Swiss Armed Forces. For additional information please visit the website at http://www.imta.info/Conference/Conference_Home.aspx


Call for Papers: Military, Security, and Borders – Insights from the Israeli Case

Please note the Call for Papers for an upcoming ERGOMAS Special Issue of Res Militaris entitled "Military, Security, and Borders – Insights from the Israeli Case." Submissions of original articles of 7500 words – quantitative or qualitative – are invited and will be peer reviewed. Complete drafts are requested by 30 October 2017. For additional information or to submit your article please contact Uzi Ben-Shalom (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Nir Gazit (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) of the Israeli Sociological Society.

Please download the complete Call for Papers here.


Call for Papers to the International Society for Military Sciences Conference

The International Society for Military Sciences (ISMS) is hosted by the Norwegian Defence University College in Oslo (Norway) from November 15 – 17, 2017. The theme of the 2017 conference will be Military Sciences – The Backbone to Military Educational Institutions?’ The deadline for submission is 13 Aug 2017. For more detailed information on ISMS, the Working Groups and eventually further information about the conference see the ISMS website (http://www.isofms.org/pagina/home.html) and the call for papers.
Call for Papers: 22th Annual Conference Central of the European Political Science Association 
Anton Bebler, Jerzy Wiatr and Marjan Malešič are organizing a panel on "Security in Central-Eastern Europe and beyond" at the 22th Annual Conference of Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA), 14 – 15 September 2017, Wrocław, Poland. Please send the title of your paper to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than June 30, 2017. For further information, please see the call for papers.


New Research Project "Social Media Communications within the Armed Forces"

A session launching the new project, "Social Media Communications within the Armed Forces", will take place at the upcoming ERGOMAS conference in Athens (26-30 June 2017; hosted by the Hellenic Army Academy). If you are interested in collaborating on this project, you are encouraged to attend the session at the conference. For a more detailed summary of the project please contact Eva Moehlecke at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tibor Szvircsev Tresch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A brief summary of the project can be found in the attached document.


New book published in ERGOMAS Book Series with Springer: Information Sharing in Military Operations
Edited by Irina Goldenberg, Joseph Soeters, and Waylon H. Dean

This volume explores the interpersonal, organizational, and technological enablers and barriers to information and intelligence sharing in multinational and multiagency military, humanitarian, and counterterrorism operations. To this end the contributions present case studies and other empirical research. UN and special operations headquarters are studied, along with multinational operations in Mali, Iraq, and Afghanistan by the UN and by U.S. Central Command. Perennial themes are the need for a holistic approach to information sharing—one that incorporates all the above enablers—and the importance of learning from experience, which should be the basis for operational planning. There is still considerable ground to be gained in enhancing the efficacy of information sharing in the context of defense and security, and the present book contributes to this goal.

For further information on the book, visit the book's information page at Springer Publishing.


14th ERGOMAS Biennial Conference in Athens, Greece – June 26-30 2017
Call for Papers and Participants - Deadline rapidly approaching (January 31, 2017)

The deadline for paper proposals for the ERGOMAS 2017 Biennial Conference is rapidly approaching. Please submit abstracts for papers by email for consideration to both the appropriate working group coordinator (see ERGOMAS Working Groups) and to the Secretary General (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) no later than 31 January 2017. If you would like to propose a paper that might fall outside regular working groups, please direct it to the secretary general (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Please see the call for papers for further information on the conference and the Working Group co-ordinators.


Call for Papers and Participants
14th ERGOMAS Biennial Conference in Athens, Greece – June 26-30 2017

The European Research Group on Military and Society (ERGOMAS) is organizing its biennial conference on military and society hosted by the Hellenic Army Academy in Athens, Greece (www.sse.army.gr). Conference dates are June 26-30, 2017. The theme of the conference is


The mass military forces led by aristocrats in the early nineteenth century transformed into the professional volunteer forces of the early twentieth. In the middle of the twentieth century, militaries transformed again into “international police-armies” designed to establish security and stability and provide humanitarian assistance. These changes in the military model evolved in concert with the social and political changes, especially with changes in the nature of conflict. We are now undergoing a new change in the nature of conflict. Phenomena such as the resurgence of nationalism after the Cold War, the escalation of terrorism, the internationalization of domestic conflicts, and the continuing development of multinational coalitions raise questions about how the military model will and must evolve to meet these challenges.

The upcoming ERGOMAS conference will focus on new lines of inquiry stemming from this new defense and security environment and how these emergent forces will affect the social structure of armed forces. In particular, we will focus on exploring how the study of military and society, both theoretical and practical, can be applied to understanding these evolving transformations and adapting to the challenges they pose.

We encourage discussion in these areas, as well as other key topics of research in the military and society domain. Please submit abstracts for papers by email for consideration to both the appropriate working group coordinator (see ERGOMAS Working Groups) and to the Secretary General (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Please submit panel proposals (including book discussions) no later than 1 Dec 2016; please submit all other presentation proposals no later than 31 January 2017. If you would like to propose a panel that might fall outside regular working groups, please direct it to the secretary general (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Please see the call for papers for further information on the conference and the Working Group co-ordinators.


2017 New Year's Address by ERGOMAS President Dr. George Kaffes

Dear ERGOMAS members and friends,

Happy New Year to all! We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and we wish all of you the best for the coming year. With that, please find a letter from the ERGOMAS President, Dr. George Kaffes.

ERGOMAS President's 2017 New Year's Greetings



In memoriam Giuseppe Caforio


Dear ERGOMAS Members and Friends,

As you may already know, Giuseppe Caforio is no longer with us. He died suddenly after a heart attack in his beloved Palau in Sardinia and his funeral took place on Aug. 4th in the presence of his wife Donnatella and his family in his beloved Luogosanto 27 km. away. Giuseppe Caforio was one of the founding members of ERGOMAS, of the International Sociological Association's RC01 Armed Forces and one of the youngest minds in the field of Military Sociology.

I would like to express my deep condolences to his wife, to the members of his family and to all friends and colleagues who have known and collaborated with him. As ERGOMAS President I will organize an extensive feature in the near future dedicated to his work and his memory will be honoured during our next conference in Athens.

The ERGOMAS President
George Kaffes
Associate Professor of Military Sociology
Hellenic Army Academy

If you would like to express your condolences, please do so through our Twitter account or our Facebook page. If you want to send a personal message to Giuseppe's wife Donatella can do it by email at Giuseppe's address, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Call for Papers: Conference on Veterans in Society - 20-22 April 2017

The 2017 Veterans in Society conference, on the theme, "Veterans Globalized," takes issues raised by the First World War as its point of departure to encourage contributions across disciplines that view veterans and their societies in comparative, transnational, or international perspective.  Inasmuch as that war arguably created the modern conceptions of veteran-ness among millions of people, with implications over the following century and around the world, we also invite papers that address questions raised by the "Great War" as they manifest themselves in veteran-society intersections in other eras, countries, and contexts. For additional information please refer to the call for papers.

The deadline for proposals is 13 January 2017. For inquiries please contact Bruce Pencek at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or James Dubinsky at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of the Virginia Tech Veterans in Society Initiative.


Call for Papers: Beyond the Uniform(ity) - Social Construction of Images of Veterans in the Post Truth World

The Working Group on Veterans and Society has formulated a special Call for Papers/Presentations for the purpose of creating a joint publication of the WG. The aim is to organize a special panel in addition to the usual Veterans and Society topics/presentations submitted for the ERGOMAS conference in Athens Greece 26-30 June 2017 (which are also most welcome). The presentations in this panel(s) will form the basis of a published book on this subject. For additional information, please see the call for papers.

For more information please contact Gielt Algra at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please submit abstracts of maximum of 250 words to both This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 31 January 2017.


WG The Military Profession - New WG Co-ordinator

It has been some time since the passing of Giuseppe Caforio, who initiated and led the Military Profession Working Group for many years. Indeed, this WG was an extremely active and productive one under Giuseppe's prolific leadership.  It gives me great pleasure to inform you that a new coordinator - Lindy Heinecken - will be taking over leadership of this WG and to continue research in this important domain.

If you are interested in participating in the WG more actively, or have participated previously (including attendance of the Military Profession WG conference in Turin in January 2015 and/or contributed to the edited volume entitled "Armed Forces and Operations in Asymmetric Warfare Environment" ) please contact Lindy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Lindy will also be accepting panel proposals for the upcoming ERGOMAS conference in Athens in June 2017 (more information on this will be sent soon).

Lindy's bio can be found below. Please join me in welcoming Lindy Heinecken as the new Military Profession WG leader!

Irina Goldenberg, ERGOMAS Secretary General

Lindy Heinecken - Bio
Lindy Heinecken was formerly a researcher and Deputy Director of the Centre for Military Studies (CEMIS) at the South African Military Academy, where she worked for 17 years. Since 2006 she has been at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa and is currently Professor of Sociology lecturing in political and industrial sociology. The main focus of her research is in the domain of armed forces and society where she has published widely on a range of issues including military unionism, the management of diversity, gender integration, the military profession, HIV/AIDS in the military, and the experiences of military personnel on peace operations. She serves on numerous academic boards, including the Council of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, the Board of the International Sociological Association's (ISA) Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution Group, and the National Research Foundation (NRF). She serves on the editorial board of the journals Armed Forces and Society and Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies. She is a NRF B rated researcher and serves as one of the pool of specialists conducting research for the South African Army.


ERGOMAS Newsletter published

The November 2016 issue of the ERGOMAS newsletter has been published. Please download it from our Newsletter page (November 2016).


2017 ERGOMAS Conference dates announced

We are happy to annonce the dates for the next ERGOMAS conference. It will be held at the Hellenic Military Academy, Greece on 26-30 June 2017. Please save the date.


Call for Papers:
 International Applied Military Psychology Symposium, Porto, Portugal, 20-23 June 2016

The International Applied Military Psychology Symposium (IAMPS 2016) will be hosted by the Portuguese Army/Applied Psychology Army Center in Porto, Portugal from June 20 to 23, 2016. The theme this year is Military Psychology: Challenges for the Future. Please see the letter of invitation by the Chairman of IAMPS 2016 and Director of the Army Psychology Center: invitation letter for download.

You are invited to participate in this symposium and to present your research. You can submit your proposals and register for the symposium on the conference website www.iamps.org.

Due to the Festa de São João do Porto (Festival of St John of Porto) it is important to book your room as early as possible. A small number of rooms will be available until May 13, when the block reservation will terminate.


Book announcement:
European Military Culture and Security Governance: Soldiers, Scholars and National Defence Universities

ERGOMAS is happy to announce the publication of a member's new book entitled "European Military Culture and Security Governance: Soldiers, Scholars and National Defence Universities" by Tamir Libel from the Barcelona Institute of International Studies.


Call for Papers:
Conference on Interagency and International Cooperation in Countering Hybrid Threats

Please note the Call for Papers for the international conference "Interagency and International Cooperation in Countering Hybrid Threats" to be held on 28-29 September 2016 at the Central Military Club in Sofia, Bulgaria. Download the Call for Papers. Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 June 2016.


ERGOMAS - 30th Anniversary - Letter from the President 

Dear ERGOMAS members and friends,

Happy New Year to all! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and all the best for the coming year. Indeed, this year is a special one in that we mark the 30th Anniversary of ERGOMAS! Much has been accomplished in the past three decades, and we look forward to our continued collaboration and contributions to the field of armed forces and society.

With that, please find a letter from the ERGOMAS President, Dr. George Kaffes. George's inspirational words remind us of our history as an organization, as well as the way forward in our forthcoming work and collaboration!

ERGOMAS - 30th Anniversary - Letter from the President




Conference Announcement: Association Internationale des Sociologues en Langue Française
Research Group 05 "Armed Forces and societies"

In the link below, please find information about the next AISLF Congress (Association Internationale des Sociologues en Langue Française) which will take place in Montreal in July 2016. For particular interest to our group is Research Group 05 "Armed Forces and Societies”.


The call for papers closes on 31 January 2016. For more information please contact Claude Weber (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) who manages Research Group 05.


Special ERGOMAS Issue of Res Militaris - Women in the Military

The first ERGOMAS Special Issue of Res Militaris has been published on the topic of "Women in the Military" in the September 2015 issue. Established in Spring 2014, the partnership between ERGOMAS and Res Militaris is intended to provide members and collaborators with an avenue for publication in this journal of military studies, and to provide Res Militaris with scholarly contributions based on the work and collaborations of our association. This inaugural issue is related to the work of the Working Group on "Gender & the Military" and is guest edited by Marina Nuciari (Turin University), and Joelle Laplante and Irina Goldenberg (both of Director General Military Personnel Research and Analysis, Defence Research & Development Canada/Chief of Military Personnel). The Special Issue is for download at the Res Militaris website.


New ERGOMAS Working Group "Critical Military Studies"

ERGOMAS is happy to announce the foundation of a new Working Group "Critical Military Studies". The Working Group aims at applying the conceptual, theoretical and methodological perspectives of Critical Theory to the study of military and society. The WG co-ordinator is dr. Erella Grassiani (University of Amsterdam). Please visit the Working Group website for further information. (2015-10-13)


Call for Proposals: RC01 Interim Conference in Rio de Janeiro (25-28 September 2016)

The Research Committee on Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution (RC01, http://www.isa-rc01.net/) of the International Sociological Association will hold an Interim Conference in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, from September 25 to 28, 2016, with support from the Getulio Vargas Foundation. The overarching theme of the conference is Transformations of the Military Profession. RC01 is currently accepting proposals for sessions and papers (deadlines: 30 September 2015 for session proposals and 30 November 2015 for paper proposals). More information on the conference can be found at http://cpdoc.fgv.br/RC01.


ERGOMAS Conference business meeting minutes online

The minutes of the 2015 ERGOMAS Conference business meeting are available under the following link: ERGOMAS 2015 business meeting notes


ERGOMAS Newsletter 3-2015

The post-conference ERGOMAS Newsletter is online. Please find it under the following link: ERGOMAS Newsletter 3-2015.


ERGOMAS 2015 keynote and plenary session videos online

We are happy to announce that the welcome addresses, the keynote speech and the plenary panel session, which were taped and broadcast live during the conference, are now online and can be viewed, of course free of charge, through the Open University Youtube Channel. Please follow the links: Welcome and Keynote speeches; Plenary session.


New ERGOMAS President elected

At the Business Meeting held during the ERGOMAS Conference in Ra'anana, Israel, Professor George Kaffes was elected the new ERGOMAS President by the attending members. Please read George's open letter to all ERGOMAS members. ERGOMAS thanks the outgoing President, Professor Yagil Levy, for his outstanding work in promoting the goals and professionalism of ERGOMAS since 2013, and for organizing the 2015 conference.


ERGOMAS By-laws amended

At the Business Meeting held during the ERGOMAS Conference in Ra'anana, Israel, the by-laws were amended on 10 June 2015. Please see the current version of the by-laws.


ERGOMAS Awards 2015

During the 2015 ERGOMAS conference two ERGOMAS prizes were awarded: the ERGOMAS Award for Best Book in Civil-military Relations was given to Lana Obradovic, and the ERGOMAS Award for Best Graduate Paper delivered at the conference was given to Mika Penttinen. Please visit the ERGOMAS Awards page for further information.


Call for Papers: My Day Job: Military Sociology in the Early 21st Century
Eastern Sociological Society Meeting, The Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers, March 17-20, 2016

The Eastern Sociological Society invites submissions of abstracts for a mini-conference on military sociology. This mini-conference will be held as part of the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, which meets in Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers, March 17-20, 2016 (specific mini-conference dates within these dates to be announced in January). Information about ESS is here: http://www.essnet.org/.

We invite submissions from faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students related to the military broadly defined, and we particularly welcome submissions connected to the conference theme of "My Day Job: Politics and Pedagogy in Academia". For more information see http://www.essnet.org/annual-meeting/overview/. Deadline: October 7, 2015.


Call for Papers: Mothers, Military, and Society

Demeter Press is seeking submissions for an edited collection entitled "Mothers, Military, and Society" edited by Sarah Hampson, Udi Lebel and Nancy Taber. Detailed information can be found in the call for papers (Deadline: 1 October 2015).


Call for Papers: International Conference on Human Systems Integration Approach to Cyber Security
28-29 September 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria (DEADLINE EXTENDED)

Please note the following call for papers to the International Conference on Human Systems Integration Approach to Cyber Security. The conference will take place 28-29 September 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria (the new Deadline: 15 July 2015). Please also note the preliminary conference program.


2015 ERGOMAS Conference News

The ERGOMAS conference is rapidly approaching. You will find all relevant information on the conference, including some last minute briefings, in the current ERGOAMS newsletter (of 1 June 2015).

For information on the program and access to the titles and abstracts of the papers to be presented, please visit the conference website.

During the conference, we will live broadcast the Keynote Address by Prof. James Burk on "The Defense of Freedom When Justifying War" (Tuesday, 9 June 2015, 10:00-11:30 IST, UTC+3), as well as the plenary session on "Key Issues Facing the Militaries of the Industrial Democracies: Axis of Conflict and Cooperation" (Tuesday, 9 June 2015, 12:00-13:30 IST, UTC+3) through the following link: http://opal.openu.ac.il/video/view.php?v=live10_HD.asx&live=1&p=public

The videos will be available through YouTube after the conference.


Ergomas Awards

ERGOMAS will award two prizes at its biennial conferences, starting at the next conference in June 2015 in Israel. For more information, please visit the Awards website.


Call for Applications: International Military Testing Association (IMTA) Conference
Stockholm, Sweden, 21-25 September 2015

The International Military Testing Association (IMTA) is hosting its 57th annual conference in Stockholm, Sweden and is accepting applications for attendance. The conference theme is "Psychological selection, leadership and security in a high-risk military context: Theory and practice". More information on IMTA and the conference can be found on the IMTA conference website (Deadline: 15 June 2015).


Reminder - Call for Papers:
Special Issue of the Turkish Journal of Sociology

The Turkish Journal of Sociology is preparing a Special Issue on Military Sociology edited by Dr. Adem Baspinar (University of Istanbul) and Dr. Ryan Kelty (Washington College). This special issue will be the first collection on military sociology published in a Turkish journal. Detailed information regarding the special issue can be found in the call for papers (Deadline 31 March 2015).


2015 ERGOMAS Conference Call for Presentations

Deadline extended to 31 January 2015

We are happy to announce the Call for Presentations, Panels and Papers for the 2015 upcoming conference of the European Research Group on Military and Society (ERGOMAS). This conference, on the topic of research on military and society, will be hosted by the Open University of Israel in Ra'anana Israel (15 miles from Tel Aviv). Conference dates are 8-12 June 2015. Please submit presentation proposals no later than 31 January 2015. Further information can be found in the Call for Presentations. Please make sure to check the conference website, where you will find more detailed information on the conference.


One-Day Workshop for Young Scholars: Research Careers in the Study of the Military

The European Research Group on Military and Society (ERGOMAS) is pleased to announce a one-day workshop to be held in the framework of the next Conference in Israel in June 2015. For more information, please see the call for participation.



Call for Papers: ERGOMAS Special Issue of Res Militaris - Gender and the Military
- Deadline extended

As part of ERGOMAS' collaboration with the journal Res Militaris, the Working Group on Gender and the Military announces a call for papers for a special issue. The deadline for submitting proposals has been extended to 31 October 2014. For further information, please see the updated call for papers.


Call for Papers:
Workshop on African Government Forces: New theoretical and methodological approaches

Our colleagues Maria Eriksson Baaz, and Judith Verweijen from the Nordic Africa Institute (Uppsala), are preparing a workshop on government forces in Sub-Saharan Africa to be hosted in December 2014. Detailed information can be found in the call for papers.


Call for Papers
Panel on "Political-military relations and the survival of autocratic rule"
at the IUS Biennial conference, Chicago, USA, 30 October to 1 November, 2015

David Kuehn, co-ordinator of the ERGOMAS Working Group on "Civilian Control of the Armed Forces" and Aurel Croissant from the Institute of Political Science at Heidelberg University, Germany  are calling for paper proposals for a a panel at the 2015 IUS conference in Chicago on "Political-military relations and the survival of autocratic rule". More information can be found on the WG website and the Call for Papers.


Call for Papers
Working Group: Recruitment and Retention

The ERGOMAS Working Group on "Recruitment and Retention" announces a call for papers for the 2015 ERGOMAS conference in Ra'anana, Israel. Paper proposals should be sent to the WG co-ordinator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information on the Working Group and the call for papers, please visit the WG website.


Call for Papers
Working Group: The Military Profession Interim Meeting, Turin, February 5 - 8th, 2015
on Armed Forces and Operations in Asymmetric Warfare Environments

The ERGOMAS Working Group (WG) on "The Military Profession" announces a call for papers for a special workshop on the theme Armed Forces and Operations in Asymmetric Warfare Environments, to be held in Turin from 5th to 8th February 2015. Proposals (250 word abstracts, complete contact information for presenting authors) must be received no later than December 15th, 2014. Selection decisions will be communicated to presenting authors on or before January 10th 2015. More information can be found in the call for papers.


Call for Papers:
Workshop on African Government Forces: New theoretical and methodological approaches

Our colleagues Maria Eriksson Baaz, and Judith Verweijen from the Nordic Africa Institute (Uppsala), are preparing a workshop on government forces in Sub-Saharan Africa to be hosted in December 2014. Detailed information can be found in the call for papers.


Call for Papers:
Afghanistan and After: Civil-Military Relations

The ERGOMAS working group on Violence and the Military announces a call for papers for a special issue of Res Militaris. Please download the call for papers for further information.


Call for Papers:
Workshop on Reforming Defense and Military Policy-Making in New Democracies: Obstacles, Opportunities and Outcomes

Dr David Kuehn (ERGOMAS WG Civilian Control of the Armed Forces) and Prof. Aurel Croissant (Heidelberg University, Germany) are welcoming paper proposals for a workshop on Defense and Military Policy Reforms in New Democracies by August 1, 2014. Please check the call for papers for further information.


Call for Papers:
IUS Canada Conference 2014
October 17-19, 2014

Our friends and colleagues of IUS Canada have published a call for papers for the 2014 conference. Please check their website for further information: http://www.iusafs.org/notices/CFP.asp


In memoriam Rudy Richardson

Very sad news regarding an ERGOMAS member. Rudy Richardson passed away on friday morning 25 april at the age of 54. Being a sportsman and seemingly in good condition, nobody saw it coming. The cause of death being a combination of a stroke and heart problems. Rudy was an acknowledged expert on questions of diversity and culture and has contributed much to this field with work on muslim soldiers, ethnicity, gender and more. An other specialty of his was methodology. In particular, he simply loved qualitative methods and he also added considerably to this field. Those who knew Rudy personally will remember his charm, his wit, and his warm personality. This warmth was combined with an inspiring drive to make things better, to make the world a better place. This he advocated personally by never ever accepting discrimination and by organizing festivals celebrating cultural diversity through music. Rudy is father of two kids, Gaia and Camiel. A Rudy quote to remember 'I started studying sociology, because of my love for people.' He will be dearly missed.


ERGOMAS Newsletter (June 2014)

We are happy to announce the publication of our most recent edition of the ERGOMAS Newsletter. Please download it here.


Partnership with Res Militaris: The European Journal for Military Studies

Res Militaris is a peer-reviewed, bilingual (English, French), on-line social science journal dedicated to the study of military and security-related issues. Interdisciplinary in character, it carries material conceived from the perspectives of sociology, political science, anthropology, psychology, geography, history, economics, law and management. It adopts a broad definition of the term “military”, to include all aspects of the nature, roles, organization, actual or potential use of armed force, and its internal or external consequences.  A partnership between  ERGOMAS and Res Militaris was formed in 2014, and entails the publication of Special Issues of Res Militaris based on the work of ERGOMAS Working Groups.

New issue of Res Militaris now online !

Read the most recent issue of Res Militaris, vol.4, n°1 (Winter-Spring 2014).

XXXI International Conference, July 1–2, 2021 

Security of the future – the future of security.  Multidimensional perspectives of challenges for dispositional groups. More information HERE.

Conflict Delegation and Proxy Wars in International Security

The Military Academy at ETH Zurich, in cooperation with the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Reading, and the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, invites papers/proposals for a virtual conference on Conflict Delegation and Proxy Wars in International Security. This event will be held online on September 23, 2021. Additional information HEREThe deadline for proposal submission: June 18, 2021; notification of acceptance: July 2, 2021. This event is jointly organized by Michel Wyss (Military Academy at ETH Zurich), Vladimir Rauta (University of Reading), and Assaf Moghadam (IDC Herzliya). Please send proposals (as well as other inquiries) to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..