- In memoriam Donna Winslow (by René Moelker)
- Letter of the president 2007-09
- Protocol of the Foundation of ERGOMAS
Meetings and Conferences
- XI Biennial Conference, Amsterdam 2011
- X Biennial Conference, Stockholm 2009
- Meeting in Chicago 2007
- IX Biennial Conference, Paris 2004
- Brussels Interim
- VIII Biennial Conference, Portoroz 2002
- VII Biennial Conference, Prague 2000
- VI Biennial Conference, Stockholm 1998
- Proceedings Brno
- V Biennial Conference, Zurich 1996
- IV Biennial Conference, Torino 1994
- III Biennial Conference, Toulouse 1992
- II Biennial Conference, Utrecht 1990
- IUS-Biennial, 1991
- Founding Conference, Vienna 1988
- Vienna Working Group Sessions
- Founding Workshop, Lavandou 1986