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Coordinators: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Working Group Military Conflict Management and Peace Economics promote the research of Conflict Management and Peace Economics towards the military. The cooperation in the field provides a new impetus to the development of research. The Working Group aims to conduct cross-national studies of Military Conflict Management and Peace Economics. Various case studies of Military Conflict Management and Peace Economics in specific emergency situations are carried out in this field of futuristic upcoming relevance.

Key areas of Research are:

-Peace Economics

-Military Conflict Management

This list is not exhaustive



News and activities

In Spain 2013, as an interim Working Group, we had five participants the papers were all the fields related to Military Conflict Management and Peace Economics. We are also planning one conference of the Working Group in India in Amity University, Madhya Pradesh in year 2016.



Paper room