General Information

ERGOMAS is the European Research Group on Military and Society, founded in 1986.

It is an international scientific association, based originally in Europe but now open to all scholars from around the world, devoted to collaborative research on military and society. ERGOMAS is a public, non-profit, politically and ideologically independent professional organization of scientists. Its purposes are pursued through the activity of Working Groups and the Biennial Conference. The core disciplines of ERGOMAS are sociology and political science but, over time, it has become more and more multidisciplinary, and now has members drawn from many other disciplines.



The Military and Society – ERGOMAS/Springer Book Series
This peer-reviewed series focuses on multidisciplinary, international empirical contributions in the broad field of armed forces and society. Drawing on the initiatives of the Working Groups of the European Research Group on Military and Society (ERGOMAS) as well as a broad range of international partners, this series brings forward cutting-edge scientific research on military and society and seeks to contribute to a growing body of interorganizational and international comparative research in this field. The expert monographs and edited volumes of this series will examine critical issues and advances in the rapidly evolving field of defence and security, particularly as it pertains to the armed forces around the world.
Based on the established ERGOMAS Working Groups, this politically and ideologically independent series includes but is not limited to the following domains:
  • Morale, Cohesion and Leadership in the Military
  • Public Opinion, Mass Media and the Military
  • Gender and the Military
  • The Military Profession
  • Civilian Control of the Military
  • Peacekeeping and the Military
  • Military Families
  • Armed Forces Recruitment and Retention
  • Military and Police Relations
  • Violence and the Military
  • Veterans and Society
  • Military Conflict Management and Peace Economics
  • Critical Military Studies
  • Total Defence Forces/Whole of Defence
Other military and society related topics such as safety standards in defence and security; human trauma in conflict and war; prevention of uncontrolled transfer of military goods; cyber warfare and the military profession; artificial intelligence in defence and security; climate change and security; multinational military cooperation.
Series Editors
Irina Goldenberg (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) & Rene Moelker (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
The editors encourage prospective authors to correspond with them in advance of submitting a manuscript. Submission of manuscripts should be made to the Publisher or one of the Series Editors.
Electronic ISSN                            Print ISSN

3004-9636                                  3004-9628                        



Call for Papers

  • Februari 1st, 2024: 17th ERGOMAS Biennial Conference in Stockholm (individual & panal presentations)


New books by members of ERGOMAS

Now out 

Dictionary of Military Sociology: George Kaffes
Military Sociology: A Guided Introduction: Wilbur Scott, Karin De Angelis & David Segal
Total Defence Forces in the Twenty-First Century: Joakim Berndtsson, Irina Goldenberg & Stéfanie von Hlatky
Please check our bookshelf for information on new and fascinating books by ERGOMAS members. If your book is missing from the bookshelf then please contact us!


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Previous news items are available from our comprehensive News Archive.


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